The Corrêas.

Sam Corrêa

October 7, 1997

Camila Corrêa

August 4, 1997


From Brazil to Brazil.

After almost eight years in the U.S., God has made it clear that He wants our family back in Brazil, reaching our people and training leaders for Him.We met at a Word of Life camp and served together for six camp seasons. Now, we are called to serve full-time at the same location where Sam grew up as a missionary kid, where both of us got saved and met.We are grateful for the training and relationships God has given us over the past few years in the U.S., and we are ready to fulfill our calling in our land with our people.

Sam got saved when he was three, but it wasn’t until his teen years, at a Word of Life camp rally, that he fully understood what Jesus’ death meant for his life and eternity.

Sam is currently earning his Doctor of Ministry degree in Leadership so he can better serve in the ministries and positions God will open at Word of Life Recife (Brazil).

Camila got saved when she was 15. She thought she was saved because she lived a morally balanced life, but at a Word of Life missions trip she fully gave her life to Christ.

Just like in 2 Timothy 4:3-5, we feel called to teach and mentor the youth of our country with sound doctrine. To fulfill this ministry, we need to raise a team of friends who will support us in prayer, with encouragement and financially.Would you consider joining the Corrêa Team?